The Library Phantasmagoria

HTC's Right-to-Repair, End of Semester stuff

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By Ariel


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HTC has partnered with iFixit to sell parts for end-consumer repair. I'm happy to see this. So far, no other company has done this to my knowledge (besides, possibly, Razer with the OSVR - but that's long dead).

VR is generally a luxury item outside of some industrial applications, and repair is... well, unsupported at best. Its good to see the fight against entropy has finally entered the space of virtual worlds. They even seem to have some guides available. If I end up buying another headset, it will probably be HTC as long as their Linux support is okay.

End of Semester

Finally nearing the end of semester and the end of college for at least a year or two. I'm tired.

[Updated] Tesla 3s have no manual back door release

What a joke of a car